Integrated Organizational Inclusion Quiz (DEI Calculator)
1. Governance:
How well-defined and equitable are your organization's governance structure and decision-making processes?
Undefined or inequitable
Somewhat defined but needs improvement
Moderately equitable
Well-defined and equitable
Highly structured with continuous improvement mechanisms to ensure appropriate perspectives and necessary stakeholders are represented
2. Culture and Structure:
To what extent does your organization foster an inclusive culture and adapt its structure to support diversity?
Inclusive culture and adaptable structure are lacking
Some efforts, but room for improvement
Moderately inclusive culture and adaptable structure
Strong efforts in fostering an inclusive culture and adaptive structure
Fully embedded inclusive culture with a flexible and adaptive structure
3. Leadership Commitment:
How committed is your organization's leadership to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Not committed at all
Somewhat committed
Moderately committed
Highly committed
Fully committed with visible actions and built-in accountability measures
4. Strategic Approach:
To what extent does your organization have a strategic approach to embedding DEI into its overall business strategy?
No strategic approach
Limited integration
Some integration
Moderately integrated
Fully integrated into business strategy
5. Policies and Procedures:
How comprehensive and inclusive are your organization's policies and procedures regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Basic policies in place
Some inclusive policies
Moderately comprehensive
Fully comprehensive with regular updates
6. Recruitment Strategy:
To what extent does your organization actively seek candidates from underrepresented groups during recruitment?
Rarely or never
Always, with specific diversity goals
7. Talent Management:
How effectively is your organization managing talent from underrepresented groups?
Lacking talent management strategy
Some talent management practices but not strategic
Moderately strategic talent management
Well-defined talent management strategy
Highly strategic talent management with continuous improvement
8. Employee Development:
How does your organization support the development of underrepresented employees?
Limited support
Basic programs in place
Some development initiatives
Moderately supportive
Fully committed to equitable development opportunities
9. Pay Equity:
How well-established and transparent are your organization's policies and practices to ensure fair and equal compensation, addressing potential pay gaps related to gender, ethnicity, or other diversity factors?
Non-existent measures in place
Basic pay equity policies
Some efforts to address pay disparities
Moderately comprehensive pay equity initiatives
Fully comprehensive with regular audits and adjustments to ensure equity
10. Learning and Development:
To what extent does your organization prioritize and invest in employee learning and development related to diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Negligible investment with minimal opportunities
Basic training programs available
Some opportunities for skill enhancement
Moderately comprehensive learning initiatives
Fully comprehensive with a robust system for continuous development and updates
11. Inclusive Culture:
How would you describe your organization's culture regarding inclusivity and belonging?
Some inclusivity efforts
Some inclusivity efforts
Fully inclusive with proactive measures
12. Data Collection:
How does your organization collect diversity, equity, and inclusion data?
No systematic data collection
Limited data collection in specific areas
Some data collection, but not consistently
Moderately systematic data collection
Comprehensive and consistent data collection across all DEI dimensions
13. Accountability and Measurement:
To what extent does your organization measure and hold itself accountable for DEI progress?
No accountability or measurement, no use of metrics or KPIs
Limited tracking or use of metrics in specific areas
Some use of metrics, tracking and reporting
Regular measurement and reporting
Comprehensive tracking, reporting, and transparent accountability
14. Brand Advocacy:
How actively does your organization advocate for its brand to engage with diverse audiences?
Minimal brand advocacy efforts
Some brand advocacy but limited reach
Moderately active brand advocacy
Strong brand advocacy efforts
Highly active brand advocacy with a wide reach
15. Product Management:
To what extent does your organization consider diversity and inclusion in product development and management?
Limited consideration of diversity and inclusion
Some efforts, but not consistently applied
Moderately considers diversity and inclusion
Strong efforts in diverse product management
Fully integrates diversity and inclusion in product development (Bridge)
16. Marketing Channel Management:
How effectively does your organization manage marketing channels to reach diverse audiences?
Ineffective marketing channel management
Limited reach through marketing channels
Moderately effective channel management
Strong marketing channel management
Highly effective channel management with continuous optimization
17. Content Management:
To what extent does your organization create and manage content that resonates with diverse audiences?
Limited diversity in content
Some efforts, but room for improvement
Moderately diverse content management
Strong efforts in diverse content creation and management
Highly effective content management with continuous adaptation
18. Community Engagement/Partnerships:
To what extent does your organization actively seek and engage with local communities or non-profit organizations to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives?
No established community partnerships for DEI efforts
Initial discussions but no established formal partnerships
Some established partnerships but limited engagement
Active collaborations and leveraging partner input for DEI initiatives
Strong, long-term partnerships with input that is incorporated into ongoing DEI efforts
19. What is your name, email address, and cell phone number?
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone
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